My birthday was on the 4th, and I had such a lovely day! With a birthday, comes a new list of goals for the coming year. Here are 20 goals I hope to accomplish before I turn 21 next October. :)
1. have a booth at a farmer's market
2. write a 7 word autobiography (read more here)
3. post actively on my tumblr
4. work on creating a graphic novel
5. sell some of my artwork
6. watch all of Natalie Portman's movies (my favorite actress! yet I haven't seen several of her movies)
7. get dreadlocks
8. dye my hair with henna
9. make lavender cupcakes
10. make a stop motion video
11. create a painting series
12. raise my GPA to 3.8 or higher
13. try oil pulling
14. enter an art competition
15. visit B.C.
16. get out of my comfort zone more often
17. try needle felting
18. make an art journal
19. cosplay
20. write at least one outfit post a week on my fashion blog (