Friday, December 28, 2012

19 before 20

After a busy busy busy semester, I finally got around to making my 19 before 20 list... :P You can reread my 18 before 19 list here if you'd like.

1. Make a Steampunk costume. 
2. Make a vlog. (never completed from my list last year)
3. Write movie review blog posts. (also from last year's list)
4. Make a budget.
5. Improve my writing speed. (I am a terribly slow writer, which causes me to spend too long on homework when I could be doing other, fun things...)
6. Archery. (I used to be pretty good at archery and I really wanna pick it up again)
7. Complete a 30 day drawing challenge. (draw one picture a day for a month..I found some good ideas on Pinterest)
8. Finish my Arwen dress. (too long ago I started sewing a dress modeled after Arwen's "dying dress" from desperately needs to be completed.)
9. Complete ten DIY projects from Pinterest. (everybody on Pinterest has a DIY board...but it's about time to actually sit down and make a Pinterest project!)
10. Pillow project. (I've been making pillows out of old t-shirts)
11. Decorate my Converse.
12. Make a tie skirt. (last semester I inherited a bag of old neck ties from my work study job. I want to use them to make a skirt.)
13. Make a skirt from an old men's shirt. 
14. Make Fettucine Alfredo. 
15. Complete a 30 day photography challenge.
16. Try digital drawing. 
17. Try DIY skincare recipes.
18. Make a stop motion video. (I'm thinking something involving the lyrics to a song...)
                                        19. Buy a Modcloth dress. (they're so...beautiful...)Photobucket